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Getting your book published doesn’t have to be difficult – you just need to know where to begin.

Finding a traditional publisher for your book and getting an official thumbs-up, while time-consuming (and occasionally frustrating), can be extremely rewarding if you get snapped up. If traditional publishing isn’t for you, for whatever reason, independent publishing (or self-publishing, as it’s sometimes called) is the fastest and most empowering way to get your story into the hands of your readers anywhere in the world. Independent publishing ain’t for sissies though – you’re going to take on all the roles of a traditional publishing house, from finding an editor and a proofreader to working with a cover designer and typesetter, to getting your book listed across all the various publishing platforms, to handling all your own marketing and publicity.

Having worked in the book industry (on both the book-selling and publishing sides) since 1991, having spent many years refining and perfecting the art of independent book publishing, and having worked with hundreds of authors just like you to birth their books into the world, I can strategically guide you through the publishing process, whether you’re considering mainstream (traditional) publishing, self-publishing, or independent publishing, and help you to get your book out there.

To schedule a Zoom or WhatsApp voice or video publishing consultation session with me (@R750 per 40-minute session), please complete and submit the form below. Alternatively, you’re welcome to email me at phillipa@phillipamitchell.com, detailing your requirements.
